The Galileo R10 milling machine is able to mechanize materials such as plastics, resins, teflon, wood, aluminium, marble, with an intiuitive user interface that will make the milling and scanning process fast and easy. Read More
Galileo R10 aluminium moulds
Magnetic bedplate. Provided with cooling system for milling with taladrine. Electrical and computer components in separate side housing. Read More
3D contactless laser scanner
Correllum System has a data acquisition device coming from a 3D laser reader, which may be integrated to the milling machines Galileo and another piece of software working as interface receiving the data to generate a bitmat file. Read More
Galileo Features
Galileo Features
The milling development system has been designed focusing on the ceramic market necessities, with the purpose of speeding up and making thetile relief creation process easier. The milling machine Galileo R10 is the final element in the design process, it gives the user the possibility of obtaining 3D prototypes of the desired surfaces.
Speed & Quality
Milling speed up to 50 m/min with microns resolution.
Process simplicity
Exclusive adapted software for ceramic industry. EPC plugin, from Adobe Photoshop to machine directly.
Linear motor
To be fast without losing precission. The linear motor gives micron precission even in fast enviroments.
3D laser scanner
Provided with contactless 3D laser scanning on demand.